Hope Holders Ketchikan

Hope Holders'

Hope Holders Ketchikan

Alaska Navigators

HOPE HOLDERS ALASKA NAVIGATORS offer Certified Peer Support Specialists a network and registry for all Certified Peer Support Specialist in a number of ways including:

  • Practically through their individual strengths which can offer a range of advice and support along with their local resources.
  • Offering quality, timely access specialist advice and information
  • Bridging the connection with other Certified Peer Support
  • Specialists to help support and connect others to improve physical and mental wellbeing for other Certified Peer Support Specialists.
  • Linking Certified Peer Support Specialists to Talking Therapies, Medical Support, and Employment in their communities.

Hope Holders Ketchikan

Alaska Navigators

HOPE HOLDERS ALASKA NAVIGATORS Certified Peer Support Specialists can help other  Certified Peer Support Specialists to:

  • Identify the areas you would like mentorship with
  • Set out what the goals you would like to achieve
  • Create a Wellbeing Plan for yourself, detailing how your needs can be met, who will support you and how to advocate for your own selfcare.
  • Offer practical support to help you access the right services and support based on your local needs, other Certified Peer Support Specialists preferences and the options available to you.
  • Coordinate care and support each other to ensure all Certified Peer Support Specialists in Alaska have access to achieve therapeutic outcomes.

HOPE HOLDERS ALASKA NAVIGATORS will provide a network of Alaska